maths activities

Maths – Monopoly

This February sees the 80th anniversary of the first time the game of Monopoly was seen on sale. It still remains one of the most popular board games across the world and has spawned many local versions. It’s one of the best games for combining luck with skill and logic… Read More

Maths – Graphing Equations

Students will be used to solving algebra equations but in this activity, we will consider how algebra can help us to solve maths puzzles such as sequences. Suitable for: Year 4 to Year 6 Learning Focus: Represent a problem as an algebraic equation Use graphs to help… Read More

Maths: Capacity and Volume

Activity 1: How does capacity differ from volume? Suitable for: Year 3 to Year 6 Learning Focus: To recognise the similarities and differences between capacity and volume It’s no wonder that pupils get capacity and volume confused when many adults think they’re the same thing too. Capacity is… Read More

Maths: Time

Activity 1: Units of Measurement Suitable for: Year 2 to Year 6 Learning Focus: To recognise and learn the units of measurement for time You’d be surprised how many pupils believe that time, like other measurement follows the metric system and that there are… Read More

Maths: Shape

Activity 1: Tessellation Suitable for: Year 2 to Year 6 Learning Focus: Identify and use the properties of simple and more complex shapes to explain tessellation To be able to create a shape that tessellates and explain why it does   Tessellations are a fun maths and art… Read More

Maths: Crosswords etc!

Maths Crossword activities: Used for years by teachers, all you have to do is print off a few square grids – choose 4 x 4 for the younger or less able pupils, up to 8 x 8 for the older and write the tables you want to test down one side and the multipliers in a mixed order across the top. It’s a great filler or as a homework challenge, especially if you ask the pupils to time themselves. Read More