science education

Planning KS3 and KS4 Science

With the new school year on the horizon, we asked Science consultant Ed Walsh for his advice on effective planning for both KS3 and KS4 Science. Q: I have been asked to come up with a skeleton, ‘knowledge based’ scheme of work for KS3 (which, for us, includes Years… Read More

Reading the Runes

No doubt anyone with an interest in GCSE exam results will have followed the stories emerging from this year’s data set. This was always going to be a more complicated picture with the impact of revised specifications and the new grading system. Furthermore, this year, being a transition year with… Read More

Science: The lost Nobel Prizes of the Great War

The Great War, or the 1st World War as it is more commonly called, was the first war that involved more than armies and navies slugging it out on land and sea. Between 1914 and 1918 most of the population of Europe was involved in some way.  Apart from them… Read More