nobel prize chemistry

The 2018 Nobel Prize for Chemistry

The study of living organisms is biology, but the processes of life are carried out in cells by molecules. The study of those molecules and their reactions is a branch of chemistry called biochemistry. The 2018 Nobel Prize for Chemistry has been awarded to scientists who have speeded up evolution… Read More

2017 Nobel Prize for Chemistry

The Medicine/Physiology and Physics prizes went to the popular topics of body clocks and gravity waves. The subject of the Chemistry prize is perhaps a little more obscure yet very important for those interested in the molecules of life. The three chemistry prize winners, Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard… Read More

Chemical Anniversaries: Celebrating Nobel Prize Winners

The 2017 Nobel Prize winners will be announced tomorrow, so it is a good time to look back at some previous winners with particular anniversaries this year. One hundred years ago the First World War was into its fourth year. With most of the industrialised countries involved and the deaths… Read More