Secondary Technology


Polymer overload vs sustainability design When teaching Design and Technology is it very important to emphasise the importance of the designer and how they can support sustainability in the use of material, processes, manufacturing techniques etc. The article below can be used with your students as an introduction to… Read More

Secondary Technology – Revision Games

When it comes to exams, I often find that a lot of my pupils struggle to revise for Design & Technology, finding their practical experiences hard to associate it with written exams! In lessons, they enjoy the practical side of the subject but often find sitting down and concentrating without… Read More

Secondary Technology – Sustainability

Introducing Sustainability at Key Stage 3 As a Technology teacher, one of the areas that I have discovered my GCSE students find particularly challenging to get their heads around is the new sustainable GCSE paper. The trouble often is that the idea of ‘sustainability’ and being environmentally conscious as a… Read More