
Superstuffs – silicon, silicones and silica

Silicon – the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust; building block of civilisation; the substance of the electronic age; relied on by some to enhance their appearance. Silicon is a remarkable element but not one that receives much attention in GCSE or even A level chemistry courses. We… Read More

Superstuffs – Polyethene

Bits of coloured plastic caught in hedgerows and pictures of plastic debris accumulating in the Pacific Ocean have given polyethene a bad name. The supermarket carrier bag is now a problem rather than the free, throwaway, item it once was. Can we still call polyethene a superstuff? Polyethene was discovered… Read More

X raying Crystals

In 1912, Max von Laue had an idea for an experiment that would answer a question in physics. The results inspired scientists to make discoveries that have influenced chemistry and biology and provide evidence for many of the principles taught at GCSE and A level. X rays were discovered… Read More

Chemistry – Soda

The properties, uses and manufacture of the various forms of soda (sodium carbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium hydroxide) are relevant to KS3 and KS4 topics involving alkalis, the chemical industry, pollution, and the alkali metals and their compounds. If you ask a cook what “soda” is they will probably point… Read More

The Chemistry behind Soap!

Soap occurs in KS3 and GCSE Chemistry courses during the study of alkalis, water quality, carboxylic acids (including fats and oils and emulsifiers) and investigations of industrial chemistry. It would form a good topic for cross-curricular project work. Soap is one of those “superstuffs” that we use every day and… Read More

Secondary Science – The Nobel Prize for Chemistry

The “impossible” crystals –  The 2011 Nobel Prize for Chemistry This year’s Nobel Prize for Chemistry has been awarded to Prof. Daniel Shechtman of Israel. The Story In 1982, forty-one year old Daniel Shechtman was spending  a couple of years in the USA, on sabbatical from his post in the… Read More