
Teaching for mastery: The pros and cons

Written by Jo Lees Jo has taught and led mathematics in primary and secondary settings. She is a former member of ACME and is on the MA committee for CPD. In her current post, apart from co-authoring The Shanghai Maths Project for Collins, Jo leads a large local authority… Read More

Questioning for Mathematical Reasoning

The 2014 National Curriculum for mathematics has three main aims- it seeks to enable pupils to develop fluency, problem solving and reasoning in mathematics. I work in a relatively large local authority, supporting teachers of mathematics to improve outcomes for pupils, amongst other things. Following the 2016 end of Key… Read More

What is Teaching for Mastery?

Mastery is not a new idea, but perhaps it seems like a new word that has been used for something we have always wanted for children – for them to understand conceptually and procedurally the mathematics they are learning. For this to happen, a number of things need to… Read More