primary resources

Baden Powell Anniversary

On the 8th January, 75 years ago, Robert Baden Powell died. Best known for starting the scout and inspiring the girl guides movement, he was also a successful military commander. Millions of girls and boys around the world will mark the day of the anniversary of his death and these… Read More

English – The General Election

May 7 saw the political parties battle it out to see who would govern the UK for the next five years. It’s possible to do a topic on the election in two different ways, one focusing on the actual politics, the other on the election process which is what this set… Read More

Science – Earthquakes

Twenty years ago the Japanese city of Kobe experienced one of the most destructive earthquakes of modern times, called the Great Hanshin Earthquake. Nearly 6,500 people were killed and over 200,000 made homeless. The city’s port; the busiest in Japan, was destroyed as was the Hanshin Expressway which linked Kobe… Read More