
Five ways to manage exam stress

If your child is revising for GCSE exams, this can seem stressful for them and for you. This is a brand new experience and their results really do have an impact on their future. That’s pretty intense pressure. So how can we help them through this time and make it as stress free as possible? Read More

Preparing for SATs

This May, thousands of Year 2 and Year 6 children will sit their SATs and your child may be one of them. KS1 children may be unaware they are taking tests but at KS2 teachers will spend quite a lot of time preparing children for them at school. Many children will care that they do well in these tests and will do want to do their best. Read More

A stress-free start to the school year

The summer holidays are coming to an end and it’s time to prepare for your child’s return to school, or for those in year R, their very first day. Here’s how to make this September as stress-free (for you and your child) as possible. Preparing for the start… Read More

How To Help Your Child Revise For SATs

With SATs just around the corner, many children will be starting to go over what they have learnt at school and may be expected to revise at home too. Here are a few ways you can help your child prepare for the tests. Revision Preparation You can help your… Read More

Staying motivated when it’s cold outside!

Getting the children out of the house and off to school can be a struggle at any time of the year, but dark and cold winter mornings can make it even more difficult. Motivating them to do well in their school work can also seem harder during the winter months… Read More

Creativity at Christmas

The Christmas holidays are creeping up on us and while your children will need time to unwind after a busy term at school, there are plenty of fun festive activities they can do to help develop their skills and keep their minds active! Encouraging children to take part in creative… Read More

How to cope if homework is overwhelming

As the school year progresses, your child’s homework is likely to get more challenging and take up more of their time. If your child is well organised and doesn’t find the work too much of a struggle, the increasing difficulty may not worry them. However, some children may start to… Read More