primary english

Why non-fiction is as important as fiction

“If a child can and does read non-fiction texts, the world is their oyster – they can learn anything and everything they want to learn.” This statement was written by writer Aidan Severs in his article ‘Six reasons why primary schools need to embrace non-fiction’… Read More
girl enjoying writing

Applying Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation in Writing

Teaching vocabulary, grammar and punctuation for better performance in the VGP key stage tests is important for league tables and inspections, but, for many children, it does little to improve spoken and written language. It’s possible, however, to teach VGP in such a way that it leads to high quality writing, while simultaneously preparing for good grammar test results. Read More

Baden Powell Anniversary

On the 8th January, 75 years ago, Robert Baden Powell died. Best known for starting the scout and inspiring the girl guides movement, he was also a successful military commander. Millions of girls and boys around the world will mark the day of the anniversary of his death and these… Read More

Love Sports competition – Activity Ideas

We’ve all been treated to a feast of sporting excellence this summer with football’s FIFA World Cup held in Brazil in June and July and the triumphs of our athletes in the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in July and August. Next year we’ve got rugby’s world cup and the start of… Read More

Architecture and English – primary

Looking at architecture and what architects do is a fascinating way to find out how English and maths are used by people in their everyday lives. The following activities look at how English is vital to architects in communicating ideas or describing buildings. Collins Big Cat series have a new… Read More

Communication and Codes – Primary English

Codes have a lot of history attached to them. Secrecy and making sure the message got to the right person were essential and it is thought that even Stone Age people left coded messages for members of their tribes to identify where food or shelter may be found. It is… Read More