From the 11th – 14th April, Collins hosted the first virtual GCSE Science Festival. A week packed with expert insight, invaluable advice, resources – even a Twitter chat about the new GCSE Science curriculum.
#Scifest16 was launched with a new blog post on Freedom to Teach, GCSE Science 2016 Developing Maths Skills. In this post, Ed Walsh discussed how developing maths skills will impact on GCSE Science teaching, both the challenges and the opportunities to arise from this.
Day Two of #scifest16 saw the second blog post from Ed Walsh, GCSE Science 2016: Getting Started with Required Practicals. In developing the Collins resources for the AQA and OCR Gateway specifications, Ed considered the various ways of supporting teachers and students, and the implications of GCSE required practicals.
Day Three saw our very first GCSE Science Twitter chat! Ed Walsh took over @FreedomtoTeach and covered (time did get in the way slightly!) four topical questions, leading to an extremely engaging and thought-provoking discussion.
Click our Storify link below to see the chat in full!
We created a fantastic video playlist over on the Collins YouTube channel that went live on Day Four of #scifest16. In these videos, our GCSE Science expert covers topics such as the key changes to assessment in GCSE Science, how the Collins teacher pack can support you in delivering great lessons and much more.
There were also some fantastic offers and prizes throughout the week: discounts across the GCSE Science range, three lots of £100 Collins Secondary Science resources awarded for signing up to the Collins Secondary Science newsletter, and four #scifest16 Twitter winners whose prize was this lovely bundle:
We would love to hear your responses in the comments section below, so please feel free to get in touch. Thanks to everyone who took part and a huge thank you to our resident GCSE Science expert, Ed Walsh. Here’s to #scifest17!