Secondary Maths

Football’s a game of two halves

Ireland organise the greatest maths show on Earth! Maths Week Ireland. A week of mathematics lectures, shows, workshops, street maths and events happens every year around this time to link in with William Rowan Hamilton, the Irish mathematician’s discovery of Quaternions on the 16th October 1843. Quaternions are a strange kind of 4D algebra that did not have many uses until recently when Vodaphone used the algebra to improve data transmission. Read More

Slum dog standard form

Listening to ‘The Educators’ on Radio 4 this week, I heard Professor Sugata Mitra, from Newcastle University enthuse about his research into how children can teach themselves through what he terms ‘self organised learning environments’ (SOLE). The programme made me think a good story can set learning in context and give students a reason to remember. And so the “story” goes… Read More

Simply take…some chunky chalk

Locate the points The sun is shining (or it is as I write this) and when using this activity I can give a positive response to the regular question from students – ‘Can we go outside for this lesson?’ This is an activity that could be used to develop the… Read More