
Secondary Law- The Power of 3

Storytellers have long known it, (Three blind mice, three little pigs,) politicians have often (ab)used it, (Education, education education)  isn’t it time for teachers to embrace the power of 3? You’ve heard… Read More

Secondary Law – Intoxication

Intoxication: Jig-Saw Scenarios Intoxication is the last topic I teach because it requires students to synthesize knowledge from so many other parts of the criminal law. The activity below is designed to allow students to create and solve their own criminal law scenarios and then draw appropriate conclusions… Read More

Secondary Law – Legal Dilemmas in Film

Legal Dilemmas in Film (3 of the best!) The love affair between the courtroom and the silver screen is nothing new. There is a natural, underlying tension in a legal case which is undeniably dramatic. Most law students will eventually be exposed to the classic 12 Angry Men… Read More

Secondary Law – The Jackson Trial

The Jackson Trial – A Comparative Exercise Partly because of the celebrity of the victim and partly because of the use of cameras in court, the current trial of Dr Conrad Murray for the Manslaughter of Michael Jackson is generating a vast body of evidence… Read More

Secondary Law – Judge for Yourself!

 You be the judge  Just how far are judges allowed to go in shaping and creating the law? The traditional view of a judge was of an informed but neutral mouthpiece. Far from creating law they simply uncovered the law in all its pre-formed glory. It was a ‘declaration’ not… Read More